FSI Italian Fast Course

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What are FSI FAST courses?

The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is a branch of the US government that provides training for diplomatic staff preparing for postings abroad – and a major part of this is language instruction.

While the core of FSI teaching consists of what are known as Basic courses, not everybody can dedicate the time required to complete one of these extensive programs.

As a result, FSI also developed FAST courses for those with more limited time for study. FAST stands for “Familiarization And Short-Term Training”, and these courses were intended to provide the practical language needed for use in everyday situations as well as giving an introduction to the culture of the destination countries.

Since FAST courses were intended to be led by an instructor, they are less suitable for independent study. However, when used to complement other coursebooks or study materials, the dialogs and recordings they contain can help reinforce and deepen your knowledge of the target language.

What is FSI Italian FAST?

FSI Italian FAST was first published in 1992, making it a relatively recent course. It consists of 30 lessons containing dialogs and notes as well as audio recordings to go with each section. Each lesson also introduces you to a new Italian region, giving you some basic information about the country as well as a grounding in the language.

The emphasis is on learning practical language so that when you arrive in Italy, you will have the linguistic and cultural tools to function in the kinds of situation most people will experience while living, working or traveling there.

***NOTE: Although this course is labelled as the “new” version, the materials contained are exactly the same as in the “original” course. Furthermore, the “original” course also includes the second half of the Student Text with Units 18-30, so for the full course, using the “original” version is the recommended option.***

How can you use FSI Italian FAST?

Since this FSI Italian course was not designed for autonomous study, you probably won’t find it useful to use as a primary coursebook.

On the other hand, by incorporating elements of it into your study and using the texts and recordings to supplement your learning, you will still be able to benefit greatly from the material contained in this course.

Ultimately it is up to you how you use this free Italian course, but by being creative and working out the ways that work best for you, this collection of lessons dealing with a range of practical everyday situations will boost your learning and help prepare you for an upcoming trip to Italy.

Taking it further

No matter how good your study materials, you will never be able to learn a foreign language without practicing it.

This means at the earliest opportunity, you should take your new Italian skills out into the “real world” and put them to use. Look for native speakers to talk to and try to make using Italian a part of your daily life – because when you do this, you will soon realize how quickly your Italian language ability is progressing.

Volume 1

Student Text

Download Vol. I complete (all MP3's in one zip file, 168 MB)

Introduction: Before We Begin

00a_01 Spelling - Pronunciation Features 00a_05 Requests Plural
00a_02 Tense Consonants 00a_06 Expressions Singular or Plural
00a_03 Accents 00a_07 Questions
00a_04 Requests Singular 00a_08 Other Expressions

Preliminary Lesson

00b_01 Dialogue for Listening 00b_04 Pronunciation Practice
00b_02 Dialogue for Repetition 00b_05 Model 1
00b_03 Vocabulary 00b_06 Model 2

Lesson 1

01_01 Dialogue for Listening 01_05 Pronunciation Practice
01_02 Dialogue for Repetition 01_06 Model 1
01_03 Vocabulary 01_07 Listening Comprehension
01_04 Additional Vocabulary  

Lesson 2

02_01 Dialogue for Listening 02_06 Model 1 affirmative
02_02 Dialogue for Repetition 02_07 Model 1 negative
02_03 Vocabulary 02_08 Model 2
02_04 Additional Vocabulary 02_09 Model 3
02_05 Pronunciation Practice 02_10 Reading for Pronunciation

Lesson 3

03_01 Dialogue for Listening 03_11 Model 5
03_02 Dialogue for Repetition 03_12 Model 6
03_03 Vocabulary 03_13 Model 7
03_04 Cardinal Numbers 03_14 Model 8
03_05 Additional Vocabulary 03_15 Model 9
03_06 Pronunciation Practice 03_16 Model 10
03_07 Model 1 03_17 Model 11
03_08 Model 2 03_18 Model 12
03_09 Model 3 03_19 Listening Comprehension
03_10 Model 4  

Lesson 4

04_01 Dialogue for Listening 04_06 Model 2
04_02 Dialogue for Repetition 04_07 Model 3
04_03 Vocabulary 04_08 Model 4
04_04 Pronunciation Practice 04_09 Model 5
04_05 Model 1 04_10 Telling Time

Lesson 5

05_01 Dialogue for Listening 05_07 Model 1b
05_02 Dialogue for Repetition 05_08 Model 2
05_03 Vocabulary 05_09 Model 3
05_04 Additional Vocabulary 05_10 Model 4
05_05 Pronunciation Practice 05_11 Model 5
05_06 Model 1a 05_12 Listening Comprehension

Lesson 6

06_01 Dialogue for Listening 06_06 Model 1a
06_02 Dialogue for Repetition 06_07 Model 1b
06_03 Vocabulary 06_08 Model 1c
06_04 Additional Vocabulary 06_09 Model 2
06_05 Pronunciation Practice 06_10 Model 3

Lesson 7

07_01 Dialogue for Listening 07_08 Model 3
07_02 Dialogue for Repetition 07_09 Model 4
07_03 Vocabulary 07_10 Model 5
07_04 Additional Vocabulary 07_11 Model 6
07_05 Pronunciation Practice 07_12 Model 7
07_06 Model 1 07_13 Listening Comprehension
07_07 Model 2  

Lesson 8

08_01 Dialogue for Listening 08_09 Model 4
08_02 Dialogue for Repetition 08_10 Model 5
08_03 Vocabulary 08_11 Model 6
08_04 Additional Vocabulary 08_12 Model 7
08_05 Pronunciation Practice 08_13 Model 8
08_06 Model 1 08_14 Model 9
08_07 Model 2 08_15 Model 10
08_08 Model 3 08_16 Reading for Pronunciation

Lesson 9

09_01 Dialogue for Listening 09_07 Model 2
09_02 Dialogue for Repetition 09_08 Model 3
09_03 Vocabulary 09_09 Model 4
09_04 Additional Vocabulary 09_10 Translate 5
09_05 Pronunciation Practice 09_11 Translate 6 (Numbers)
09_06 Model 1 09_12 Listening Comprehension

Lesson 10

10_01 Dialogue for Listening 10_06 Model 1
10_02 Dialogue for Repetition 10_07 Model 2
10_03 Vocabulary 10_08 Model 3
10_04 Additional Vocabulary 10_09 Model 4
10_05 Pronunciation Practice 10_10 Model 5

Lesson 11

11_01 Dialogue for Listening 11_10 Model 5
11_02 Dialogue for Repetition 11_11 Model 6
11_03 Vocabulary 11_12 Model 7
11_04 Additional Vocabulary 11_13 Model 8
11_05 Pronunciation Practice 11_14 Model 9
11_06 Model 1 11_15 Model 10
11_07 Model 2 11_16 Model 11
11_08 Model 3 11_17 Listening Comprehension
11_09 Model 4  

Lesson 12

12_01 Dialogue for Listening 12_10 Model 5a
12_02 Dialogue for Repetition 12_11 Model 5b
12_03 Vocabulary 12_12 Model 6a
12_04 Additional Vocabulary 12_13 Model 6b
12_05 Pronunciation Practice 12_14 Model 7a
12_06 Model 1 12_15 Model 7b
12_07 Model 2 12_16 Model 8a
12_08 Model 3 12_17 Model 8b
12_09 Model 4 12_18 Model 9

Lesson 13

13_01 Dialogue for Listening 13_09 Model 4
13_02 Dialogue for Repetition 13_10 Model 5
13_03 Vocabulary 13_11 Model 6
13_04 Additional Vocabulary 13_12 Model 7
13_05 Pronunciation Practice 13_13 Model 8
13_06 Model 1 13_14 Model 9
13_07 Model 2 13_15 Model 10
13_08 Model 3 13_16 Listening Comprehension

Lesson 14

14_01 Dialogue for Listening 14_11 Model 6
14_02 Dialogue for Repetition 14_12 Model 7
14_03 Vocabulary 14_13 Model 8
14_04 Additional Vocabulary 14_14 Model 9
14_05 Pronunciation Practice 14_15 Model 10
14_06 Model 1 14_16 Model 11
14_07 Model 2 14_17 Model 12
14_08 Model 3 14_18 Model 13
14_09 Model 4 14_19 Reading for Pronunciation
14_10 Model 5  

Lesson 15

15_01 Dialogue for Listening 15_08 Translate 3
15_02 Dialogue for Repetition 15_09 Model 4
15_03 Vocabulary 15_10 Model 5
15_04 Additional Vocabulary 15_11 Model 6
15_05 Pronunciation Practice 15_12 Model 7
15_06 Model 1 15_13 Listening Comprehension
15_07 Model 2  

Lesson 16

16_01 Dialogue for Listening 16_07 Model 2
16_02 Dialogue for Repetition 16_08 Model 3
16_03 Vocabulary 16_09 Model 4
16_04 Additional Vocabulary 16_10 Model 5
16_05 Pronunciation Practice 16_11 Model 6
16_06 Model 1 16_12 Model 7

Lesson 17

17_01 Dialogue for Listening 17_08 Model 3
17_02 Dialogue for Repetition 17_09 Model 4
17_03 Vocabulary 17_10 Model 5
17_04 Additional Vocabulary 17_11 Model 6
17_05 Pronunciation Practice 17_12 Model 7
17_06 Model 1 17_13 Translate 8
17_07 Model 2 17_14 Listening Comprehension

Volume 2

Student Text

Download Vol. II complete (all MP3's in one zip file, 135 MB)

Lesson 18

18_01 Dialogue for Listening 18_07 Model 2
18_02 Dialogue for Repetition 18_08 Model 3
18_03 Vocabulary 18_09 Model 4
18_04 Additional Vocabulary 18_10 Model 5
18_05 Pronunciation Practice 18_11 Translate 6
18_06 Model 1  

Lesson 19

19_01 Dialogue for Listening 19_09 Model 3
19_02 Dialogue for Repetition 19_10 Model 4
19_03 Vocabulary 19_11 Model 5
19_04 Alphabet 19_12 Model 6
19_05 Additional Vocabulary 19_13 Model 7
19_06 Pronunciation Practice 19_14 Model 8
19_07 Model 1 19_15 Translate 9
19_08 Model 2 19_16 Listening Comprehension

Lesson 20

20_01 Dialogue for Listening 20_09 Model 4
20_02 Dialogue for Repetition 20_10 Model 5
20_03 Vocabulary 20_11 Model 6
20_04 Additional Vocabulary 20_12 Model 7
20_05 Pronunciation Practice 20_13 Model 8
20_06 Model 1 20_14 Model 9
20_07 Model 2 20_15 Model 10
20_08 Model 3 20_16 Reading for Pronunciation

Lesson 21

21_01 Dialogue for Listening 21_10 Model 5
21_02 Dialogue for Repetition 21_11 Model 6
21_03 Vocabulary 21_12 Model 7
21_04 Additional Vocabulary 21_13 Model 8
21_05 Pronunciation Practice 21_14 Model 9
21_06 Model 1 21_15 Model 10
21_07 Model 2 21_16 Model 11
21_08 Model 3 21_17 Model 12
21_09 Model 4 21_18 Listening Comprehension

Lesson 22

22_01 Dialogue for Listening 22_10 Model 5
22_02 Dialogue for Repetition 22_11 Model 6
22_03 Vocabulary 22_12 Model 7
22_04 Additional Vocabulary 22_13 Model 8
22_05 Pronunciation Practice 22_14 Model 9
22_06 Model 1 22_15 Model 10
22_07 Model 2 22_16 Model 11
22_08 Model 3 22_17 Model 12
22_09 Model 4  

Lesson 23

23_01 Dialogue for Listening 23_09 Model 4
23_02 Dialogue for Repetition 23_10 Model 5
23_03 Vocabulary 23_11 Model 6
23_04 Additional Vocabulary 23_12 Model 7
23_05 Pronunciation Practice 23_13 Model 8
23_06 Model 1 23_14 Model 9
23_07 Model 2 23_15 Model 10
23_08 Model 3 23_16 Listening Comprehension

Lesson 24

24_01 Dialogue 1 for Listening 24_08 Translate 1
24_02 Dialogue 1 for Repetition 24_09 Model 2
24_03 Dialogue 2 for Listening 24_10 Model 3
24_04 Dialogue 2 for Repetition 24_11 Model 4
24_05 Vocabulary 24_12 Model 5
24_06 Additional Vocabulary 24_13 Model 6
24_07 Pronunciation Practice 24_14 Model 7

Lesson 25

25_01 Dialogue 1 for Listening 25_10 Model 3
25_02 Dialogue 1 for Repetition 25_11 Model 4
25_03 Dialogue 2 for Listening 25_12 Model 5
25_04 Dialogue 2 for Repetition 25_13 Model 6
25_05 Vocabulary 25_14 Model 7
25_06 Additional Vocabulary 25_15 Model 8
25_07 Pronunciation Practice 25_16 Model 9
25_08 Model 1 25_17 Listening Comprehension
25_09 Model 2  

Lesson 26

26_01 Dialogue for Listening 26_08 Model 3
26_02 Dialogue for Repetition 26_09 Model 4
26_03 Vocabulary 26_10 Model 5
26_04 Additional Vocabulary 26_11 Model 6
26_05 Pronunciation Practice 26_12 Model 7
26_06 Model 1 26_13 Reading for Pronunciation
26_07 Model 2  

Lesson 27

27_01 Dialogue for Listening 27_07 Model 2
27_02 Dialogue for Repetition 27_08 Model 3
27_03 Vocabulary 27_09 Model 4
27_04 Additional Vocabulary 27_10 Model 5
27_05 Pronunciation Practice 27_11 Listening Comprehension
27_06 Model 1  

Lesson 28

28_01 Dialogue for Listening 28_08 Model 2
28_02 Dialogue for Repetition 28_09 Model 3
28_03 Vocabulary 28_10 Model 4
28_04 Additional Vocabulary 28_11 Model 5
28_05 Pronunciation Practice 28_12 Model 6
28_06 Model 1a 28_13 Model 7
28_07 Model 1b  

Lesson 29

29_01 Dialogue 1 for Listening 29_09 Model 2
29_02 Dialogue 1 for Repetition 29_10 Model 3
29_03 Dialogue 2 for Listening 29_11 Model 4
29_04 Dialogue 2 for Repetition 29_12 Model 5
29_05 Vocabulary 29_13 Model 6
29_06 Additional Vocabulary 29_14 Model 7
29_07 Pronunciation Practice 29_15 Model 8
29_08 Model 1 29_16 Listening Comprehension

Lesson 30

30_01 Dialogue for Listening 30_08 Model 3
30_02 Dialogue for Repetition 30_09 Model 4
30_03 Vocabulary 30_10 Model 5
30_04 Additional Vocabulary 30_11 Model 6
30_05 Pronunciation Practice 30_12 Model 7
30_06 Model 1 30_13 Model 8
30_07 Model 2