FSI Introduction to French Phonology

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Pages of Instruction
1 months+
Completion Time

What is the Introduction to French Phonology course?

The FSI Introduction to French Phonology course is a programmed course that takes you through the pronunciation of French step by step in great detail. It consists of 10 lessons, each dealing with different aspects of French phonology to help you develop correct and accurate pronunciation.

At the same time, since the pronunciation points are introduced as part of dialogs and are practiced with drills, by studying this course, you will have the chance to learn and consolidate many important French structures while also enlarging your French vocabulary.

This course is also designed to precede the FSI French Basic course, so if you are thinking about tackling that longer, more comprehensive program, studying this one first will leave you better prepared for the challenge.

How was Introduction to French Phonology originally used?

FSI Introduction to French Phonology was originally developed for US diplomatic staff who were preparing for postings in French-speaking countries. Students would have spent a certain amount of time studying each unit alone, after which they would have attended classes where their progress and mastery of the material was checked by an instructor.

They would also have been encouraged to use French as much as possible inside and outside of class, allowing them to achieve a good level in French in a relatively short amount of time.

How can you use the Introduction to French Phonology course?

Although this course was intended for use with a teacher, it is also well-suited for autonomous study. You can use it by simply working through the 10 units of the course, listening to the recordings and repeating as required. There may be some sections that need adapting to self-study, but for the most part, you can use these materials as you find them.

Taking it further

Mastering the pronunciation of French with this free introduction to French phonology course will not make you fluent in French – for that, you’ll need to go out and practice what you learn in authentic situations.

For this reason, as early as possible, I urge you to take your French out into the real world and try it out. Look for native speakers to talk to, and as much as possible, make using French a part of your daily life. Then, when you do this, you will realize how quickly both your pronunciation and fluency begin to improve.

Student Text

Instructor's Manual

Chapter 01 Tape 1.1 Tape 1.2
Chapter 02 Tape 2.1 Tape 2.2
Chapter 03 Tape 3.1 Tape 3.2
Chapter 04 Tape 4.1 Tape 4.2
Chapter 05 Tape 5.1 Tape 5.2
Chapter 06 Tape 6.1 Tape 6.2
Chapter 07 Tape 7.1 Tape 7.2
Chapter 08 Tape 8.1 Tape 8.2
Chapter 09 Tape 9.1 Tape 9.2
Chapter 10 Tape 10.1 Tape 10.2